Talking To The Ancestors 2:


Yidumduma and nephew Jonas Doctor share traditional Wardaman sign language and modern usage from the streets of Katherine NT. Sign language was handed down from the Dreamtime Buwarraja, to communicate across distances and languages, in ceremony, mourning, hunting and for the deaf. Featuring signs for: riding, shoeing a horse, sick, doctor, Clever Man (Wizard), white man, ghost, Stolen Generation.



in half you were like that is a beef
you split them in half like that that
half and half you take off you take out
and whenever if you see someone going
mad over there
what about in the days when the
government workers were coming for the
kids was there signs they used that yeah
and he got like this
and i love you
that means
you whistle and you answer
and you point out like that white man
like this pick up the kid
you’re going to take him away
and you tell him and he’ll we shall do
and he’ll tell you
take him in he took him to take him by
in the bush and hit him
you know he hit
yeah that’s a welfare people
but everything here is a white man they
call him
like that so what name is that that
there white man is down there
rubble grabbing everything white man
white man white man monday and still we
call mandiant
this is a mundane it’s a spiritual ghost
white man still uh luggage ghost monday
that’s why he demanded connect with that
spiritual coach you know you can see the
white glory in the night that’s a ghost
and the white man there
and there then you say to somebody
the kid today still know that if you
tell them yo
you know you tell them okay oh and then
you show them like this they’ll get
they know they go see they they come
back there
yeah and that’s where the growth and the
white men connect together everything in
what grows yeah