• Bill Harney gets a doctorate
Yidumduma celebrated not only his 94th birthday but also receiving a doctorate of letters from the Charles Darwin University. This doctorate was presented in Katherine by the Vice Chancellor. Bill was very proud of wearing a special gown and fancy hat! This doctorate is a fitting tribute to the Wardaman elder in recognition of his knowledge of culture and especially his trove of stories from the rock art in his country. Jan 2024
YDP Newsletter Jan 2019
Bill visits Katherine Schools
Happy Yew Year to all our friends!
News Update:
Bill Harney visits Katherine Schools; Planetarium Star Show goes to Adelaide again; 2018 Fieldwork; University Wyoming students to visit Wardaman country 2019; Bush University DVD; Customary Law book; 2 videos, and please consider a donation.
Bill Visits Katherine Schools
Sponsored by Mimi Arts & Crafts, Bill Harney with Director Paul Taylor celebrated Wardaman culture, stories, songs, dances and painting for 5 days in June in Katherine Schools, NT. Schools included MacFarlane, Clyde Fenton, Katherine South, Katherine High and Kintore St. Special thanks to Jack Egan, teacher Kim Shanahan and Mimi. The students loved it!!!! Highlights video is below “Welcome to the Bush University”
Photo: Kim Shanahan
Aboriginal Skies: Land of the Lightning People (US)
Dark Sparklers: Star Law of Bill Harney (Australia)
Our acclaimed star show returned and was well received by a sold out audience in July at the Adelaide Planetarium, Uni SA. Director Paul Taylor is honoured to present with the Adelaide Planetarium in his hometown. Originally conceived by Dr. John Stocke and YDP Director Paul Taylor the show celebrates Bill’s star culture and the work of Dr. Hugh Cairns in his book Dark Sparklers. Approved by Bill and Hugh the show has now been digitised and available to tour to other planetariums. US Credits include: Fiske Planetarium, CU Boulder CO; Uni Wyoming Planetarium, Laramie WY; Casper Planetarium, WY; Uni Nebraska, Omaha NE. More about the show.
Fieldwork 2018
The Director visited Bill on his Menngen community in June, continuing our educational work, processing, editing and approving future educational initiatives and materials. This year we focused on Bill’s encyclopedic star knowledge, further developing our star presentations.
In June 2019, Paul Taylor will lead a group of 12 Honors College students, faculty and community members from the University of Wyoming to spend 12 days on Aboriginal land visiting Barunga Festival and then the Bush Professor and his sacred sites on Wardaman country. The UW Honors program has a core commitment to studying diverse and Non-Western approaches.
Bill Harney’s Bush University DVD
After over 15 years of dedicated work, the YDP is proud to release Bill Harney’s Bush University DVD, featuring 16 video clips of the best of our work. Special thanks to Russ Hopkins for his brilliant production work and all our fabulous contributors over the many many years.!!!!!! Order from the YDP website and support this continued work.
Dr. Hugh Cairns with Bill Harney have launched their second book together, Four Circles, Wardaman Aboriginal Spiritual Law. Another major work by Bill and Hugh calling for a national recognition of the power, justice and beauty of Aboriginal Customary Law.
Welcome to the Bush University
Sponsored by Mimi Arts & Crafts, Wardaman Aboriginal elder Bill Harney celebrates his culture with Paul Taylor, his student over many years, in Katherine Schools, NT, MacFarlane, Clyde Fenton, Katherine South, Katherine High and Kintore St. June 2018. Filmed by Kim Shanahan, edited by Mike Vanata,
We introduce our Grasshopper Series where Yidumduma identifies the first 2 of 8 groups of Grasshoppers and shares their role in the land as handed down from the spiritual Creation Time Buwarraja. Yidumduma’s principal totem is Lidi the grasshopper, which represents one of the major species and for Bill can also refer to all the grasshoppers.
Lidi is strictly a katydid who invented many types of grass and traded these to the ants and termites who in turn made their nests and invented medicines for the people.
Nidban is a katydid who invented the woolly yam magulu and the long yam megerrman. He sang the long yam creating the milk poison which he traded to the poisonous snakes king brown, taipan and death adder.
This is such important long term work. Please consider a donation now at this gifting time of the year.
The Director visits Bill each dry season to continue our process and gain permission to publish more of his incredible legacy. Our website now contains over 60 teaching segments. We hope to continue working with schools and teachers in Katherine, Adelaide, throughout Australia and the US, sharing this work. Your support is essential to keep this effort going. We have so much more work to do while Bill is still with us.
Your feedback and comments are most welcome anytime as we continue to move forward with this work.
Please Like us on Facebook and invite your friends to share this wisdom.
Yidumduma provides a link to the wisdom of all our ancient past.
Please consider supporting this important work. Video work is costly and time consuming. Donations will be used for our study guide; further website development, editing further educational pieces; archiving and fieldwork with Bill in his homeland.
Our sincere thanks to the fabulous Kalliopeia Foundation, the Rona Tranby Trust, and all our individual donors for their continued support. Special thanks to Jack Egan, Kim & Ben Shanahan; Adelaide Planetarium & Allison Price, Paul Curnow, Martin Lewicki; Fiske Planetarium & Francisco Salas, Dr. John Stocke, Nickolas Conant, Tom Muncy; UW Planetarium & Samantha Ogden, Mimi Arts & Crafts & Dennis Stokes; Robyn Williams and Mick Bell; Patrena and Alex Ariston; Hugh and Hilary Cairns; Susan Ely & Jim Hartman; Peggy Baldwin, Ruth Taylor, Barbara Specht, Mike Vanata, Rebecca Bennetts. This work would not be possible without all your support.
YDP Newsletter May 2018
Cheers to all our friends!
News Update:
Bush Professor finishes it’s 2 year national regional tour in Darwin; Bill Harney to visit Katherine Schools; planetarium Star Show goes to Adelaide again; fieldwork in July; YDP archive now housed at NLC; Bush University DVD; Customary Law book available; 2 videos, Yidumduma Bush Professor & Katherine Schools Mural Project revisited; and please consider a donation.
Bush Professor Finale 31 May-21 July
The major art exhibition retrospective celebrating the extraordinary art, life, and culture of Yidumduma opens for it’s final showing at CDU Art Gallery in Darwin, 31 May-21July. The show has enjoyed great success as it toured regional Australia from it’s 2016 opening in Katherine NT, at the fabulous GYRACC, Godinymayin Yijard Rivers Arts and Culture Centre. It then toured to Adelaide SA, Collie, Geralton, Albany WA, Pt. Augusta, Barossa Valley SA, Goulbourn, Wagga Wagga NSW and finishing now in Darwin NT.
Photo: Euan Hills & Art Mob
Bill to visit Katherine Schools June 18-22
Sponsored by Mimi Aboriginal Arts & Crafts, Bill and YDP Director Paul Taylor will visit Katherine Schools June 18-22. Bill will celebrate his wonderful cultural heritage with MacFarlane, Clyde Fenton, Katherine South Primaries, Katherine High and Kintore St. Special School.
Aboriginal Skies: Land of the Lightning People (US)
Dark Sparklers: Star Law of Bill Harney (Australia)
Our star show is planned to return on Friday 6th July to the Adelaide Planetarium, Uni SA. Director Paul Taylor is honoured to present with Adelaide Planetarium Lecturer Paul Curnow. Originally conceived by Dr. John Stocke and YDP Director Paul Taylor the show celebrates Bill’s star culture and the work of Dr. Hugh Cairns in his book Dark Sparklers. Approved by Bill and Hugh the show has now been digitised and available to tour to other planetariums. More about the show.
The Director will be visiting Bill on his Menngen community in June, continuing our educational work, processing, editing and approving future educational initiatives and materials. The Director in 2017, successfully deposited a copy of our 150 hour YDP video archive with the Northern Land Council NLC. This will provide a long term home and access for Wardaman people to their cultural heritage.
Bill Harney’s Bush University DVD
After over 15 years of dedicated work, the YDP is proud to release Bill Harney’s Bush University DVD, featuring 16 video clips of the best of our work. Special thanks to Russ Hopkins for his brilliant production work and all our fabulous contributors over the many many years.!!!!!! Order from the YDP website and support this continued work.
Dr. Hugh Cairns with Bill Harney have launched their second book together, Four Circles, Wardaman Aboriginal Spiritual Law. Another major work by Bill and Hugh calling for a national recognition of the power, justice and beauty of Aboriginal Customary Law. Order a copy from Hugh’s new website.
Yidumduma Bill Harney: Bush Professor
Yidumduma Bill Harney sharing his art, history and culture connected to his spectacular national touring art retrospective exhibition 2016-18. This retrospective of his lifetime’s work showcases his intimate knowledge of the stories and history of his people, and his striking efforts to share them with the world before these oral traditions pass out of memory. The exhibition is produced by Godinymayin Yijard Rivers Arts and Culture Centre GYRACC, curated by Margie West, conceived by Cath Bowdler. 7.20 mins.
Katherine Schools Mural Project video, GYRACC, NT 2016
This short video celebrates our wonderful mural process with Katherine Schools as part of the Yidumduma Bill Harney’s Bush Professor Exhibition Opening in 2016. Thanks to Jack Egan and GYRACC. Bill and YDP Director Paul Taylor will visit Katherine Schools in June sponsored by Mimi Aboriginal Arts & Craft
This is such important long term work. Please consider a donation now at this gifting time of the year.
The Director visits Bill each dry season to continue our process and gain permission to publish more of his incredible legacy. Our website now contains over 60 teaching segments. We hope to continue working with schools and teachers in Katherine, Adelaide, throughout Australia and the US, sharing this work. Your support is essential to keep this effort going. We have so much more work to do while Bill is still with us.
YDP Newsletter Spring 2017
Bush Professor Tour & Star Show.
View this email in your browser
Cheers to all our friends!
News Update:
Bush Professor on national regional tour now in WA; planetarium Star Show goes on tour and to Adelaide; Gujingga Songline video being used in educational curriculum in Europe; fieldwork in July, YDP archive to be housed at NLC; Bush University DVD; Customary Law book available; 2 videos, Gujingga Songline and Star Show promo and please consider a donation.
A major art exhibition retrospective celebrating the extraordinary art, life, and culture of Yidumduma opened to great success in May-July 2016 in Katherine NT, at the fabulous GYRACC, Godinymayin Yijard Rivers Arts and Culture Centre. As it opened, the show was approved for a national regional tour. It is currently in Western Australia and has just opened for June-Aug Albany WA; Sept-Oct Pt. Augusta SA; Oct-Dec Barossa Valley SA; Dec-Feb 2018 Goulbourn NSW; Mar-May Wagga Wagga NSW; and ending 2018 May-July Darwin NT. Contact GYRACC for more details.
Aboriginal Skies: Land of the Lightning People (US)
Dark Sparklers: Star Law of Bill Harney (Australia)
A planetarium show of Bill’s Star Law was presented in April at the Fiske Planetarium at UC Boulder, Colorado and then sold out on tour at the Vaughn Planetarium at UW, Laramie Wyoming. Presented by Dr. John Stocke and YDP Director Paul Taylor the show celebrates Bill’s star culture and the work of Dr. Hugh Cairns in his book Dark Sparklers. Approved by Bill and Hugh the show has now been digitised and available to tour to other planetariums. An Australian premiere is planned to open Friday 28th July at the Adelaide Planetarium, Uni SA. Director Paul Taylor is honoured to present with Adelaide Planetarium Lecturer Paul Curnow.
Songline Video in European Curriculum
YDP video Gujingga Songline has been included in study materials across German speaking Europe by German education curriculum media group Cornelsen Schulverlage.
There is major interest internationally in the sophistication of Aboriginal songline traditions. Yidumduma and the YDP offers a significant contribution to this growing body of knowledge.
The Director will be visiting Bill on his Menngen community in July, continuing our educational work, processing, editing and approving future educational initiatives and materials. The Director plans to deposit a copy of our 150 hour YDP video archive with the Northern Land Council NLC. This will provide a long term home and access for Wardaman people to their cultural heritage.
Bill Harney’s Bush University DVD
After over 15 years of dedicated work the YDP is proud to release Bill Harney’s Bush University DVD, featuring 16 video clips of the best of our work. Special thanks to Russ Hopkins for his brilliant production work and all our fabulous contributors over the many many years.!!!!!! Order from the YDP website and support this continued work.
Dr. Hugh Cairns with Bill Harney have launched their second book together at the University of Sydney, Four Circles, Wardaman Aboriginal Spiritual Law. Another major work by Bill and Hugh calling for a national recognition of the power, justice and beauty of Aboriginal Customary Law. Order a copy from Hugh’s new website.
Yidumduma shares part of his Gujingga Songline as the Ancestors “zigzagged” through his country and naming everything as they travelled. The Songlines connected all the Wardaman clan estates. Bill’s clan Yubulyawan is one of many clan estates, Wurrgleni, Wujarr, Geliji, Muy Muy, Giliyn Giliyn, Wu-Nuajawung, Giwining…Flora, Mamundadgani, Jiggaigarn, Barnanggaya…Mt Gregory, Wurrulula, Beregumaya, Dilinya.
The Songlines moved through the lands of all the neighbouring tribes and then across the entire continent linking Aboriginal groups together in song and ceremony. Yidumduma offers a unique contribution to this amazing and sophisticated mapping of the land.
This planetarium show celebrates the vast Star Law of Australian Wardaman Aboriginal Elder, Yidumduma Bill Harney, and his groundbreaking work with Dr. Hugh Cairns in their 2003 publication of Dark Sparklers. This presentation was conceived in the US by Yidumduma’s student of over 25 years, Adelaide born Paul Taylor, in collaboration with Colorado University Astronomy Professor, Dr. John Stocke.
This is such important long term work. Please consider a donation now at this gifting time of the year. The Director visits Bill each dry season to continue our process and gain permission to publish more of his incredible legacy. Our website now contains over 60 teaching segments. We hope to continue working with schools and teachers in Katherine, Adelaide, throughout Australia and the US, sharing this work. Your support is essential to keep this effort going. We have so much more work to do while Bill is still with us.
Sydney Conservatorium of Music using YDP materials
Michael Webb
Email Address:
Permission etc
Hi Paul,
Have been learning a lot from the YDP clips on Youtube and the website etc and wanted to let you know I really value the work you’ve done. With my Aboriginal colleague (Clint Bracknell – Noongar, WA) at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music we teach a course, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Music to music pre-service, ie trainee, music educators. I’m writing to ask if it’s okay to use some of the Bill Harney materials in our course (full acknowledgement etc of course). Well – many thanks again Paul for your efforts, time and work in promoting Mr Harney and his story and knowledge/wisdom etc.
Best wishes,
10/20/16 YDP Video in European Schools.
YDP video Gujingga Songline to be used in study materials across German speaking Europe by Cornelsen Schulverlage.
YDP Newsletter December 2016
Holiday cheers to all our friends!
News update: Bill’s Retrospective was a major success and goes on a national tour, Star Law planetarium show sold out, Rock Art Tour planned for July, Bush University DVD, Customary Law book available, 2 new videos, Yidumduma Bill Harney: Bush Professor and Before Galileo: Star Law of Bill Harney and please consider an end of year donation.
A major art exhibition retrospective celebrating the extraordinary art, life, and culture of Yidumduma opened to great success in May-July in Katherine NT, at the fabulous GYRACC, Godinymayin Yijard Rivers Arts and Culture Centre. As it opened, the show was approved for a national tour and soon moved to Adelaide in Sept-Nov at Tandanya. Future schedule includes; 2017 March-May Geralton WA; June-Aug Albany WA; Sept-Oct Pt. Augusta SA; Oct-Dec Barossa Valley SA; Dec-Feb 2018 Goulbourn NSW; Mar-May Wagga Wagga NSW; and ending 2018 May-July Darwin NT. Contact GYRACC for more details.
Photo: Euan Hills & Art Mob
In Katherine the work of the YDP was featured and Director Paul Taylor joined educator Jack Egan in sharing Yidumduma’s wisdom with Katherine schools, produced a beautiful mural, conducted a teacher’s workshop and released our YDP Education Guide.
Katherine River Rainbow. Photo: Paul Taylor
Aboriginal Skies Star Show
A planetarium show of Bill’s Star Law sold out 2 nights in Sept at the Fiske Planetarium in Boulder, Colorado. Presented by Dr. John Stocke and YDP Director Paul Taylor the show celebrates Bill’s star culture and the work of Dr. Hugh Cairns in his book Dark Sparklers. Approved by Bill and Hugh the show has now been digitised and available to tour to other planetariums. Let us know if interested in hosting this presentation.
Rock Art Tour
Following on from the wonderful rock art tour in May following the Retrospective opening, a second is planned for July 2-6, 2017. Guided by Bill on his traditional land, sharing the Creation Stories, songs and history connected to the paintings is indeed a special experience. Contact us for more details. Here is some pics from the country.
Bill Harney’s Bush University DVD
After over 15 years of dedicated work the YDP is proud to release Bill Harney’s Bush University DVD, featuring 16 video clips of the best of our work. Special thanks to Russ Hopkins for his brilliant production work and all our fabulous contributors over the many many years.!!!!!! Order from the YDP website and support this continued work.
Dr. Hugh Cairns with Bill Harney have launched their second book together at the University of Sydney, Four Circles, Wardaman Aboriginal Spiritual Law. Another major work by Bill and Hugh calling for a national recognition of the power, justice and beauty of Aboriginal Customary Law. Order a copy from Hugh’s new website.
Yidumduma Bill Harney: Bush Professor
Yidumduma Bill Harney: Bush Professor Bill Harney sharing his art, history and culture connected to his spectacular national touring art retrospective exhibition 2016-18. This retrospective of his lifetime’s work showcases his intimate knowledge of the stories and history of his people, and his striking efforts to share them with the world before these oral traditions pass out of memory. The exhibition is produced by Godinymayin Yijard Rivers Arts and Culture Centre GYRACC, curated by Margie West, conceived by Cath Bowdler. 7.20 mins.
Before Galileo: Star Law of Bill Harney
Before Galileo, ABC Message Stick Episode 2009, featuring just the Wardaman Aboriginal Star Law of Yidumduma Bill Harney. Used by the YDP Dreaming Project with permission of ABC TV. 6.46 mins.
This is such important long term work. Please consider a donation now at this gifting time of the year. The Director visits Bill each dry season to continue our process and gain permission to publish more of his incredible legacy. Our website now contains over 60 teaching segments. We hope to continue working with schools and teachers in Katherine, Adelaide, throughout Australia and the US, sharing this work. Your support is essential to keep this effort going. We have so much more work to do while Bill is still with us.
YDP Newsletter April 2016
Bush Professor Honored & New Video: Rainbow & Flying Fox
Cheers to all our friends around the world!!!!
We are pleased to share exciting news since our last newsletter at Christmas. Bill’s Retrospective opens May 6, NT Archives presentation, Bush University DVD released, Customary Law book available, the Director receives Governor’s Art Award, and 2 new videos Ochre & Initiation and Rainbow & Flying Fox.
A major art exhibition surveying and celebrating the extraordinary life of Yidumduma will open May 6, 2016, in Katherine at the fabulous GYRACC, Godinymayin Yijard Rivers Arts and Culture Centre. The work of the YDP will be featured and promises to be a wonderful opportunity to honour the Bush Professor! The Director Paul Taylor will join educator Jack Egan in sharing Yidumduma’s wisdom with Katherine schools, conduct a teacher’s workshop and release our YDP Education Guide.
Wednesday 18 May 2016
5.15 for 5.30pm start
Bookings required by COB Monday 16 May
Telephone 8999 6890 or email
Northern Territory Archives Centre Darwin
Kelsey Crescent, Millner
The Director Paul Taylor. who has been a student of Yidumduma’s for over 25 years will the share the story of this significant cultural history project. This presentation features the story, song, dance, rock art and video clips celebrating the Wardaman culture and wisdom of the Elder.
Bill Harney’s Bush University DVD
After over 15 years of dedicated work the YDP is proud to release Bill Harney’s Bush University DVD, featuring 16 video clips of the best of our work. Special thanks to Russ Hopkins for his brilliant production work and all our fabulous contributors over the many many years.!!!!!! Order from the YDP website and support this continued work.
Hugh Cairns with Bill Harney recently launched their second book together at the University of Sydney, Four Circles, Wardaman Aboriginal Spiritual Law. Another major work by Bill and Hugh calling for a national recognition of the power, justice and beauty of Aboriginal Customary Law. To order a copy send us a message from our website.
YDP Director Paul Taylor was recently honored with the 2015 WY Governors Art Award by Gov Matt Mead for his service to the Arts and sharing indigenous wisdom.
“This is a prestigious award which recognizes outstanding achievement in the arts in Wyoming. You have dedicated the past 25 years to the arts in Wyoming and we are grateful. Since originating in 1982, the award has gone to a select few.” Gov Matt Mead. See video
Yidumduma outlines part of the boys Initiation Ceremony and Law as it applies to teaching the boys to respect the girls/women. The women Elders dance in front of boys and they must look at them. The Elders are painted up in black and white ochre. The boys throw a firestick in the air and call out for clearance. Yidumduma shares the ceremonial Bandimi Song sung by all the Elders. Yadjagurru janja warraban dunyu, bardugu badu Old women foot stamping, dancing for the young boys, clapping legs together.
Yidumduma shares more Creation Story about the major Ancestor Rainbow Gorrondolmi who is both male and female, made the floodwater and gave it to the termites to make the didgeridoo. All the water birds came together to sing and dance the Wangga ceremony and pass it onto the generations. The children of Rainbow are the Flying Fox, one brown called Ganben, another is a black one called Mun.gen. Every morning Rainbow blows his didgeridoo and they return from feeding in a big loop, come up through the didgeridoo into his dilly bag and climb into the tree to rest all day. In the evening Rainbow blows his didgerdioo and they leave in a big loop to go out and feed all night again.
This is such important long term work and will require sustained funding over the forthcoming 2 years. Please consider a donation now.
The Director plans to visit Bill at his Retrospective next week to continue our process and gain permission to publish more of his incredible legacy. Our website now contains 60 teaching segments. We will be working with schools and teachers in Katherine and Adelaide sharing this work. A comprehensive study will be released soon. Your support is essential to keep this effort going. We have so much more work to do while Bill is still with us.
December 2015 YDP Newsletter
Four Circles, Bill Retrospective & More
Happy Christmas to all our friends around the world!!!! We are pleased to share much exciting news since our last newsletter in May. The Customary Law book has been launched, Bill’s Retrospective opens in May 2016, the Director’s visit home, YDP goes to the Parliament for World Religions, end of year donation please, and 2 new videos Gujingga Songline and Songlines & Peace.
Four Circles book launch
Hugh Cairns with Bill Harney in October at the launch of their second book together at the University of Sydney, Four Circles, Wardaman Aboriginal Spiritual Law. Another major work by Bill and Hugh calling for a national recognition of the power, justice and beauty of Aboriginal Customary Law. To order a copy send us a message from our website.
Photo by Anne Taylor
Bill’s Retrospective
A major art exhibition surveying and celebrating the extraordinary life of Yidumduma will open May 6, 2016, in Katherine at the fabulous GYRACC, Godinymayin Yijard Rivers Arts and Culture Centre. The work of the YDP will be featured and promises to be a wonderful opportunity to honour the Bush Professor! Stay tuned for more plans around this event.
Bulgu Bush School by Yidumduma Bill Harney. Photo Paul Taylor
YDP Fieldwork 2015
The Director Paul Taylor assisted a rock art expedition in June/July with Joc Schmeichem and Darrell Lewis and rock art enthusiasts from the US and Australia. The group visited 3 major art regions from Arnhem Land to Wardaman country with Bill and then the Kimberley country of the Wandjina and Gwion Gwion spirituals. The time with Bill was clearly a highlight with the visitors and emphasized his special depth of knowledge and the reason for our dedicated work. Our archaeologist friend Anne Stoll wrote a great piece on the visit for ARARA, American Rock Art Research Association.
Great Wandjina Spiritual Ancestors from the Kimberley WA. Photo: Paul Taylor
Parliament for World Religions
The Director was invited to present Bill’s wisdom to this amazing international Parliament in October in Salt Lake City UT, and was warmly embraced by many from different faiths. He met the inspiring Matthew Fox, members of the Creation Spirituality movement and has been invited to teach a future online course on Aboriginal Wisdom. It is envisaged that this course will act as a fundraiser for the continued work of the YDP.
Matthew Fox, Paul Taylor, Di Wolverton, Gary Sontum at the Parliament.
Study Guide and DVD
Work continues on a YDP study guide with Katherine educator Jack Egan to bring this wisdom to students in Australia and everywhere. Our Bush University DVD showcasing the highlights of our work will be available by Spring 2016.
This is such important long term work and will require sustained funding over the forthcoming 2 years. Please consider an end of year donation now.
The Director plans to visit Bill at his Retrospective in May to continue our process and gain permission to publish more of his incredible legacy. Our website now contains 60 teaching segments. Your support is essential to keep this effort going. We have so much more work to do while Bill is still with us.
Yidumduma shares part of his Gujingga Songline as the Ancestors “zigzagged” through his country and naming everything as they travelled. The Songlines connected all the 13 Wardaman clan estates and then moved through the lands of all the neighbouring tribes and across the entire continent linking Aboriginal groups together in song and ceremony. Yidumduma offers a unique contribution to this amazing and sophisticated mapping of the land.
The Songlines zig-zagged through the Wardaman country uniting all the clan and totem groups and then travelled across tribal boundaries linking all tribal and languages groups together right across the continent. This by Law meant the clans shared ceremony and language, shared the land and water. This in turn meant the nieghbours shared ceremony and language, shared the land and water. According to Yidumduma this promoted respect and peace throughout the land.
Stay tuned for Ochre & Initiation, Rainbow & Flying Fox,
a redraft of Grasshopper 1, and Bill’s Art Talk: University of Sydney.
YDP Newsletter May 2015
New Chapters: Black Plum & Charcoal, Before Galileo and Language Lessons.
Cheers friends,
We are pleased to present below three important new offerings Black Plum & Charcoal: Stolen Generation, Before Galileo: ABC’s Message Stick program from 2009 featuring Yidumduma and our interactive Language Lesson: Birds. Full transcripts of these clips are now available under Read More & Resources on the website.
Bush University DVD
Our promised Bush University DVD featuring the best of our workis soon to be passed onto our Indiegogo funders fulfilling all our pledges from our successful fundraiser Nov/Dec 2013.Special thanks to our filmmaker Russ Hopkins and our funders Laurie Low, Lillian Hoffman & the Never Never Bushrangers, Ken Gerow, Mick Jerram and Gecko Canoeing & Trekking, Robert & Phyllis Dunne, Worlds of Music, Chris Behrenbruch, Laurie & Cat Orman, Anni Wilson, Carol Patterson, Peta White, Rod & Sandy Garnett and Margaret Wilson. We are welcoming feedback on this effort from our funders and a commercial product will be available in the near future.
Study Guide & More
Work has begun with accomplished Australian educator Jack Egan on a comprehensive study guide for the website. Jack has spent some years training Aboriginal adults in remote communities across Australia’s Top End and currently teaches senior Religious Education in Katherine, the major town adjacent to Wardaman country. We have been hard at work adding full transcripts for each video, thanks to Squire Myer, for students to fully comprehend Bill’s wisdom. Linking to Australian curriculum, our first focus is to middle and high school students. Students will begin with studying the Wardaman Creation Story and with Lesson Plans, develop a beginning appreciation of the Dreaming, the Dreamtime and Caring for Country.
This is such important long term work and will require sustained funding over the forthcoming 2 years. Please consider a donation now.
The Director plans to visit Bill in June/July to continue to process and gain permission to publish more of his incredible legacy. Our website now contains 60 teaching segments. Your support is essential to keep this effort going. We have so much more work to do while Bill is still with us.
Black Plum & Charcoal: Stolen Generation
Yidumduma Bill shares his family history of the Stolen Generation. Bill’s older sister Dulcie was taken away to Croker Island as a young child and by chance was reunited with the family in her late teens. Whenever the Welfare was close Bill was painted up in black plum and charcoal by his Mum. The station managers were also active in protecting the kids from being taken away. This film is dedicated to all of Dulcie’s family and her granddaughter Rebecca who celebrates her Wardaman heritage and teaches Aboriginal culture in Adelaide schools.
Before Galileo: ABC Message Stick Series
This 25 minute program featuring Yidumduma Bill from 2009 looks at the ways in which western science intersects with Aboriginal Cosmology, leading us to a deeper understanding of the night sky, gained by learning the practical pointers of the constellations and the guiding spirits that occupy the dark nebulae in between. Used with permission of ABC TV.
Learn and practice Wardaman words for their beautiful birds in 3 interactive language lessons courtesy of italk, Alex Shaw and Zephyr L’Green.
Stay tuned for Gujingga Songline, Songlines & Peace, Ochre & Initiation, Rainbow & Flying Fox and a redraft of Grasshopper 1 after further consultation with Yidumduma and Drs. David Rentz and Jeffery Lockwood, our grasshopper consultants.
YDP Newsletter Feb 2015
New Videos: Floods & Crocs and Burning Off
Cheers friends,
We are pleased to present below two new works Camouflage Clay: Gorndon and Silver Fox: Yarirra from our Bush Medicine series, both coming from our fieldwork in 2009 and now part of Bush University Chapter on our website.
Bush University DVD
Our production team is actively working on a new series of videos aiming to complete our promised Bush University DVD soon, featuring the best of our work. Stay tuned for Stolen Generation, Gujingga Songline, Songlines & Peace, Ochre & Initiation, Rainbow & Flying Fox and a redraft of Grasshopper 1 after further consultation with Yidumduma and Drs. David Rentz and Jeffery Lockwood, our grasshopper consultants.
We have recently acquired ABC archival footage from it’s Message Stick series of Yidumduma’s star knowledge to flesh out our Star Chapter. Look for these additions in the future.
Yidumduma shares his traditional knowledge on gorndon, camouflage clay. Wardaman people sang in pairs as they rubbed each other all over to take away their human smell for hunting. The clay was also used to make a weapon, lordo, for hunting and for Law business by the boundary watcher Barragbarrag (cormorant) Law Man. The clay was sung and placed in this Gorndon Site in the Creation Time Buwarraja.
Bush Medicine
Another in our Bush Medicine series, the beautiful Silver Fox or Smoke Tree, Eucalyptus pruinosa, abounds Yidumduma Bill Harney’s Wardaman country. It is great bush medicine for the relief of toothache and cuts. It is also home to the budgerigar who lives in the termite hollows of the trees.
YDP Newsletter Jan 2015
Cheers friends,
We wish you all a fabulous 2015 and thank you sincerely for your continued support of this work. Check out our latest 2 videos below, Changing Land 2: Floods & Crocs and Burning Off: Fire Law. Both offer an important Indigenous voice to current global ecological debates.
2014 Work
With your help, in 2104 we produced over 20 video clips making a total of over 50 clips across 10 chapters on our YDP Website. As we tap into our 150 hour archive of Wardaman culture, we continue to re-discover more and more of Bill Yidumduma’s incredible wisdom. We published 9 videos in our Producer Series as a result of our successful 2013 fundraiser. See below. With help from Nick Lee at CAAMA we continue to tap into their archives and hope to soon do the same with the ABC in Australia. Bill has been prolific and generous in sharing his culture over many many years to many many people. Our US filmmaker Russ Hopkins has been busy working throughout 2014 with the Director Paul Taylor on this amazing and vast legacy of world heritage.
2015 Study Guide & Fundraising
There is so much more to do while Yidumduma is with us. We aim to continue to produce more video identifying even more layers of Yidumduma’s sophisticated world. We will produce Bill Harney’s Bush University DVD in early 2015, highlighting the best of our work.
Work has began on the YDP Website Study Guide, linking the videos to Australian curriculum aiming to make a major long term contribution to indigenous understanding in our schools. We aim to do the same with American curriculum.
Funding is critical to this effort and we need your help.
2016 Celebration of Bill’s Life
A major art exhibit, retrospective, celebration of Bill’s life is planned for 2016 in Katherine and Darwin. There is a possibility this may also go on a national tour. Our continued video work is vital to help make this happen.
Funding is critical to this effort and we need your help.
Producer Series
Since our recent great 2013 fundraiser we have produced 9 videos dedicated in gratitude to our fabulous donors listed in the credits of each of these videos.
Emu Apple: Barnarr
Bullocky Song
Sign Language 1
Diving for Red Ochre: Liwin
Night Herding Song
Red, White & Black Ochre
Sign Language 2
Peaceful Dove Rockhole: Golorog-ya
Grasshopper 1: Lidi
Sincere thanks to Russ Hopkins for his superb work in creating this series.
Changing Land 2: Floods & Crocs
Katherine River has severely flooded Katherine town in 1957, ’74, ’98 and 2006. Yidumduma discusses the frequency of these devastating floods and the increasing numbers of crocodiles in his country and conservation efforts. He explains these changes from his cultural and Spiritual understanding and how we are not following the Law and “Caring for Country” proper.
Related Links: Changing Land 1
Aboriginal people throughout Australia intelligently used fire for thousands of years to regenerate the plants and soils, and keep the land and water clean. Contrary to popular opinions, they actively care for their land using “Firestick Farming”, using a patchwork of cool burns at the right times to protect the land against the devastating hot burns. Yidumduma shares what the Elders taught him and he uses this Law on his Menngen Station today. The Law was given to the people in Creation Time by the ghost bat, warlang, macroderma gigas, and the insectivorous bat ngalamiynmiyn. They invented the firestick, jinggiyn, clerodendrum floribundum, and passed this onto Yagjagula, the Lightning Brother who creates the lightning fires by hitting his 2 stone axes together.
Related Links: Sacred Sites and Biodiversity – Scenes from Standing on Sacred Ground
YDP Newsletter Oct 2014
Cheers friends,
We are excited to report on the Project’s recent mid year work. We are actively working on a new series of videos including Changing Land 2 & Crocodiles, Burning Off & Fire Law, Bush Medicine and Grasshopper series. Stay tuned. Our US filmmaker Russ Hopkins has been busy working through archival footage while the Director Paul Taylor traveled to Australia. Work has began on the YDP Website study guide. View 2 new clips below courtesy of the CAAMA archive, thanks to Nick Lee.
The Director met and shared Project work and materials with Belinda Russen, CEO, Rona Tranby Aboriginal College, Jenny Symonds of the Rona Tranby Trust, Natanya Milner, Head of Primary, Emanuel School, Randwick, NSW and fellow teachers.
June/July saw the fieldwork team of filmmakers Zephyr L’Green, Tamara Penniket and the Director working on Menngen Station with Yidumduma. Work included reviewing current work, planning out new material and capturing relevant footage and photos. The team hosted a visit to Moon Dreaming with Yidumduma, Cath Bowdler, Director of Katherine Cultural Centre GYRACC and staff extraordinaire Jack Egan.
Photo by Tamara Penniket.
The Director visited his hometown of Adelaide and had the immense pleasure of sharing and mentoring our YDP work at Prospect North Primary with Aboriginal Education teachers, Stevi Day and Rebecca Bennetts. Rebecca is the grand daughter of Dulcie, Bill’s “Stolen Generation” sister and is radiantly embracing her cultural heritage. Introducing Rebecca Bennetts and her two beautiful children Patricia and Ethan.
Photo: Paul Taylor
Listen to Yidumduma share the first chapter of the Creation Story relating to the flood in full Wardaman language. This clip is from the archive of CAAMA, Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association, and used with their permission.
Related links: Creation Story 1
During the flood Yidumduma tells in full Wardaman language two stories not shared in the previous Creation Story tellings. The Story varies with each telling as Bill will adjust with time, place and audience but the core Story remains a constant. A Lightning Lady is swallowed by a whale and survives with the help of the Red Ant Doctors. This clip is from the archive of CAAMA, Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association, and used with their permission.
29 Nov 2014 :
There has been a submission of the form CONTACT through your website.
Your Name:
Your Question or Comment:
I am a music education student studying world music in Boston, and I stumbled upon your website, and I just wanted to let you know what a wonderful resource I think this is, and how wonderful that you have put together such a nice way to share your heritage with others. I hope to use these materials in the future to teach children about your culture and music, if that is alright!
Thanks and best wishes,
YDP Newsletter June 2014
Cheers friends,
We are excited to present the first of our Grasshopper Series. This is a working draft which now goes back to Yidumduma for his review during our upcoming July 2014 Fieldwork. We will be reviewing all our work and planning for the upcoming year.
We give special thanks to Dr. David Rentz and Dr. Jeffery Lockwood for their invaluable assistance in this series. Grasshopper 1 represents the 9th video in our Producer Series. Read more below.
Yidumduma identifies the first of 8 species of Grasshoppers and shares their role in the land as handed down from the spiritual Creation Time Buwarraja. Yidumduma’s principal totem is Lidi the grasshopper, which represents one of the major species and for Bill can also refer to all the grasshoppers. Lidi invented many types of grass and traded these to the ants and termites who in turn made their nests and invented medicines for the people.
Producer Series
Since our recent great 2013 fundraiserwe have produced 9 videos dedicated in gratitude to our fabulous donors listed in the credits of each of these videos.
Emu Apple: Barnarr
Bullocky Song
Sign Language 1
Diving for Red Ochre: Liwin
Night Herding Song
Red, White & Black Ochre
Sign Language 2
Peaceful Dove Rockhole: Golorog-ya
Grasshopper 1: Lidi
Sincere thanks to Russ Hopkins for his superb work in creating this series.
Your feedback and commentsare most welcome anytime as we continue to move forward with this work.
YDP Newsletter Jan 2014
Happy New Year!!!
Our Indiegogo fundraiser has come to an end.
We have raised 118% of our original goal!!!
A fabulously successful campaign and our sincere appreciation and gratitude goes out all our wonderful donors listed below.
All our donors have received YDP Website Recognition.
Our Book and CD perk donors should have received your perks. Please let us know if there is any problem.
Adopt a Chapter, DVD, and plus donors will honored as Producers in our next series of videos.
We now present the fist of our new videos, Emu Apple: Barnarr from our Bush Medicine series.
Marble tree. Owenia vernicosa. The bark of this tree is great for healing cuts and the fruit for healing boils. The fruit is food for the Emu, but not good to eat for the people. However eating the Emu provides the fruit medicine for the people. In this way the Emu and Emu Apple work together to provide medicine for the people.
Donations will be used for further website development, editing further educational pieces; archiving, fieldwork; and producing a Wisdom of Yidumduma DVD.
Special Thanks
Sr. Barbara Specht, Lenore de la Perrelle, Robert & Jane Kitchin, Beth Wilkinson & Bill Concord and Anne Beckett & Kathy Keenan of Keenan Farms, Ken Gerow, Lisa Urquart, Sharon Frazier, Burt & Norma Sisco, Debbie Rieger & Bob Van De Rostyne, Ann Stucki, Harold, Annie & Lea Bergman, Steve Sutter, Visser family, Lillian Hoffman Never Never Bushrangers, Shelley Malo, Dan Smedts, and Lou Farley, Mark Viator, Margaret Gilfoyle, Dave & Rochelle, John & Sherryl Gores, Janet Lever-Wood, Stephen Pearson, Beth Leonhardt, Laurie Low, Jean Edwards, Barby Fisher, David Gregory, Kate Barham, Lesley Wischman, Robyn Wardle, Adrian Rowe, Susan Nancy Wang, Paula Stafford, Alex Tandy, Pia Hansen, Steve and Connie Eulberg, Rod and Sandy Garnett, Susan Ely, Jackie Wright, Milo Page, Margaret Wilson, Pam Faro, Camille Born, Rhonda Morton, Peggy Baldwin, Beret Strong, Jeremy Page, Michael Gray, Russell Hopkins, Lisa Cox, Nancy Kraft, Renee Roberts, Phil Lorenz, Stephanie Reutner, Peta White, Maurine, Ruth Taylor Jnr, Ruth Taylor Snr (Mum), Kaito Schnell, LG, Carol Patterson, In Memory of Fred Gray, Kay Lovegrove, Kale Schnell, Laramie Kiwanis, Kerry Coffey, Luke Taylor, Ann Wilson, Alan & Barbara Sharples, Carol & John Stansfield, Max, Peter Queal, Lauren Jane Spall, Linda, Ali & Colby, In Memory of Brian Breslin Taylor,Sally Madden, Laurie & Cat Orman, Christian Behrenbruch, Jane McCarthy, Ben Baker, Ellen Taylor, Susan Lounsbury, Worlds of Music, Gulla Burke, Susan Davis, Jessica Nape, Robert & Phyllis Dunne, Barbara Halton Subkis, Ed Paridis & Peggy Cooney, Kate Wilson & Scott Overdorf, Charlotte Britton, Aura Newlin, Naomi Ward, Aunty Thora Specht, Mick Jerram & Gecko Canoeing & Trekking, In Memory of Lila Duffy, Sue King, Cindy Stoffers, In Memory of Thelma Parker.
YDP Newsletter April 2013
Dear Friends,
The Yubulyawan Dreaming Project is excited to announce the opening of it’s new website, After two years of dedicated work with funding support from the Kaliopeia Foundation, the website showcases over 25 video clips and education of Yidumduma’s indigenous wisdom and his Wardaman Aborignal culture.
Next Phase
We plan to devote this next phase to fundraising; further website development creating, researching, editing, subtitling, language translation for more educational video clips; and fieldwork necessary to process this work with Yidumduma. Please consider donating to assist in this continuing work.
Rona Tranby Award
The YDP is elated to announce a funding award from the Rona Tranby Trust in Sydney to assist in proposed fieldwork with Yidumduma in July 2013. The Trust supports the recording and preservation of indigenous Australian oral history.
State Finalist. Australian Of The Year Award 2013
The Director Paul Taylor was recently nominated and selected as a State Finalist for the Northern Territory in the Australian of the Year Awards 2013, for his years of service working with Yidumduma Bill Harney and the Yubulyawan Dreaming Project. Yidumduma attended the ceremony in Darwin on Nov 8th to receive the State Finalist Award on behalf of Paul and the Project.
Special thanks to all our production crew, Peggy Baldwin, Russ Hopkins, Bryce Tugwell, Mike Gray, Len Glasser, Tamara Penniket, Zephyr L’Green, Melanie Matthews and our many volunteers.
Our sincere thanks to the fabulous Kalliopeia Foundation, Rona Tranby Trust, David Lee and WRAR, Western Rock Art Research, and all our individual donors for their continued support. Special thanks to our recent donors Jack Witkin, Susan Ely, Pia Hansen, Bob Dunne and Dana Morrow. This work would not be possible without all your support.
Your participation and contribution to the next phase of the Project is genuinely appreciated. Please consider donating to complete this work.
Future donations will be used for further website development, editing further educational pieces; archiving, fieldwork; and producing a Wisdom of Yidumduma DVD.
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In deepest gratitude
Paul Taylor
Yubulyawan Dreaming Project, YDP.
PO Box 1427, Laramie WY 82073
YDP Newsletter Dec 2012
Dear Friends,
State Finalist. Australian Of The Year Award
The Director Paul Taylor was recently nominated and selected as a State Finalist for the Northern Territory in the Australian of the Year Awards 2013, for his years of service working with Yidumduma Bill Harney and the Yubulyawan Dreaming Project. This is an extreme honour for all who have contributed to this important work. Yidumduma attended the ceremony in Darwin on Nov 8th to receive the State Finalist Award on behalf of Paul and the Project.
Customary Law Book
Dr. Hugh Cairns also attended the ceremony and is pleased to report that Yidumduma has approved his work on their proposed Customary Law book, Four Circles- The Law Man And The Stars. We will keep you posted on this release in the near future.
Website Opening Soon
Yidumduma, the Director, and our principal filmmaker, Russ Hopkins, are conducting a final review of all the proposed film clips for the website. We expect to go public early in 2013. Please view some more clips of our work.
We plan to devote this next phase on further website development, creating, editing, subtitling, language translation for more educational video clips. Please consider donating to assist in this important work.
Our sincere thanks to the fabulous Kalliopeia Foundation, the WRAR, Western Rock Art Research, and all our individual donors for their continued support. Special thanks to our recent donors Bob Dunne and Dana Morrow. This work would not be possible without all your support.
Your participation and contribution to this final phase of the Project is genuinely appreciated.Please consider donating to complete this final work.
Future donations will be used to complete this project; website development, editing further educational pieces; archiving, final fieldwork; and producing a Wisdom of Yidumduma DVD.
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LEARN MORE See Bill on National TV, on Wyoming Public TV and Paul and Bill in concert.
Please note: Yidumduma has requested we change our project name to his Wardaman clan name Yubulyawan to more accurately reflect the clan knowledge he is sharing with us all. This is your first newsletter with the name change.
In deepest gratitude
Paul Taylor
Yubulyawan Dreaming Project, YDP.
PO Box 1427, Laramie WY 82073
YDP Newsletter Sept 2012
Yidumduma Approves Website!!!!
The Director Paul Taylor, with Australian filmmakers Zephyr L’Green and Tamara Penniket visited Yidumduma and his comminuty in July to continue fieldwork and view proposed website material. Bill approved all proposed material and the websiite is planned to go live in November. View some clips.
Welcome from Bill
Intro to Land & Culture
Bill’s Bird’s 1
We plan to devote this next phase on further website development, creating, editing, subtitling, language translation for more educational video clips. Please consider donating to assist in this important work.
Global Spirit Program: Dreams, Visions and Realities
A unique program featuring Aboriginal elder and Dreamtime expert Yidumduma Bill Harney, and Psychologist and Jungian Dream expert Dr. Steven Aizenstat, is being aired on PBS stations throughout the country. To check Global Spirit’s availability on your PBS station: then menu item: “PBS Schedule”.
Our sincere thanks to the fabulous Kalliopeia Foundation, the WRAR, Western Rock Art Research, and all our individual donors for their continued support. Special thanks to Russ Hopkins, Zephyr L’Green, Tamara Penniket, Keith Williams, Robyn Williams and Mick Bell for their fieldwork support. To donors Hugh and Hilary Cairns, Alan and Barbara Sharples, Marcia Evans Rindal, Allen Bacque. This work would not be possible without all your support.
Your participation and contribution to this final phase of the Project is genuinely appreciated.Please consider donating to complete this final work.
Future donations will be used to complete this project; website development, editing further educational pieces; archiving, final fieldwork; and producing a Wisdom of Yidumduma DVD.
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LEARN MORE See Bill on National TV, on Wyoming Public TV and Paul and Bill in concert.
Please note: Yidumduma has requested we change our project name to his Wardaman clan name Yubulyawan to more accurately reflect the clan knowledge he is sharing with us all. This is your first newsletter with the name change.
In deepest gratitude
Paul Taylor
Yubulyawan Dreaming Project, YDP.
PO Box 1427, Laramie WY 82073
YDP Newsletter June 2012
Please note: Yidumduma has requested we change our project name to his Wardaman clan name Yubulyawan to more accurately reflect the clan knowledge he is sharing with us all. This is your first newsletter with the name change.
Fieldwork on Wardaman traditional land continues into it’s 9th year this July, aiming at completion by 2013.
Great work has been accomplished on the Project Website due to go public later this year. Yidumduma will review all proposed website material for cultural authenticity and sensitivity. Once this review is complete, the video/audio segments of his magical indigenous wisdom will go public with our launch of the website.
Check out this audio-visual clip highlighting Yidumduma’s vast bird knowledge.
Bill’s Bird’s 2.
Our sincere thanks to the fabulous Kalliopeia Foundation, the WRAR, Western Rock Art Research, and all our individual donors for their continued support. Special thanks to Chris Behrenbruch, Rod Garnett, Peggy Baldwin and Pia Hansen. This work would not be possible without all your support.
Your participation and contribution to this final phase of the Project is genuinely appreciated.Please consider donating to complete this final work.
Future donations will be used to complete this project; final fieldwork, website, editing further educational pieces; archiving; and producing a Wisdom of Yidumduma DVD.
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LEARN MORE See Bill on National TV, on Wyoming Public TV and Paul and Bill in concert.
In deepest gratitude
Paul Taylor
Wardaman Dreaming Project, WDP.
PO Box 1427, Laramie WY 82073
YDP Newsletter 1/17/12
Dear Friends,
Join host Phil Cousineau on Jan. 22nd for the premier of “Dreams, Visions & Realities” featuring Yidumduma Bill Harney, an Aboriginal elder, master storyteller, painter, and highly-respected Wardaman Dreamtime authority, and Dr. Stephen Aizenstat, author and dream specialist who can teach us about the importance of “tending” to our dreams.
Yidumduma (C) being interviewed for CEM productions Global Spirit with Phil Cousineau (L) and Stephen Aizenstat (R)
Where and When:
ONLINE: You can watch the full program & the live web chat online at Click on “Live Chats” to watch the premiere and live web chat. (Note: If you miss the premiere, the program can be streamed anytime, starting the evening of January 22nd at:
ON SATELLITE TV: Link TV is available on DIRECTV channel 375 and Dish Network channel 9410 and on select cable stations ( Re-broadcast on Link this Thursday, January 26th at 8:00pm Pacific; 11:00pm Eastern.
View program video clips.
Counterfeit images and the take-over of young minds
Please note: Yidumduma has requested we change our project name to his Wardaman clan name Yubulyawan to more accurately reflect the clan knowledge he is sharing with us all. The next newsletter you receive will reflect this change.
Our sincere thanks to the fabulous Kalliopeia Foundation, the WRAR, Western Rock Art Research, and all our individual donors for their continued support. Special thanks to Peggy Baldwin, Pia Hansen and Marla Zeneski. This work would not be possible without all your support.
Future donations will be used to complete this project; final fieldwork, editing further educational pieces; archiving; and producing a Wisdom of Yidumduma DVD.
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LEARN MORE See Bill on National TV, on Wyoming Public TV and Paul and Bill in concert.
In deepest gratitude
Wardaman Dreaming Project, WDP.
PO Box 1427, Laramie WY 82073
Dear Friends,
US TOUR 2011
A great success everywhere!!! Yidumduma and Paul Taylor toured Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona and California from January-March 2011. They were fabulously received throughout Wyoming in many remote towns sponsored by University of Wyoming. Paul introduced Yidumduma to many communities he had been working in for many years. This completed a full circle of teaching for Paul and the communities to now learn from the master himself. Yidumduma shared his plant knowledge at the Boyce Thompson Arboretum in Arizona and his star knowledge and Fiske Planetarium in Boulder CO. He was interviewed on “Global Warming” by Colorado University and “Dreams and Dreaming” by Global Spirit, CEM productions in San Francisco. Stay tuned for news on when these programs will be aired.
Yidumduma touched many very deeply with his indigenous wisdom and heart. Special thanks to Peggy Baldwin, LOYD ARTISTS, UW, and Kalliopeia Foundation. The full itinerary is below.
We aim to produce a specific WDP website in 2011 featuring the best of our recordings for teaching Wardaman youth and open to the general public. We are elated to announce that the Kalliopeia Foundation has funded this endeavor with a $12,000 grant!!!!!!!!! Sincere thanks yet again to Kalliopeia who have supported the WDP since 2008.
In August 2010, copies of all fieldwork 2003-9, over 90 hours, were placed in safe-keeping with AIATSIS in Canberra, and with the Wardaman people. AISTSIS, the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, is Australia’s major archival center for indigenous cultural heritage and research. This will ensure our research is protected for future generations in perpetuity. 2010 fieldwork footage will be placed with AIATSIS in July 2011.
Our sincere thanks to the fabulous Kalliopeia Foundation, the WRAR, Western Rock Art Research, and all our individual donors for their continued support. This work would not be possible without all your support. We have applied to AIATSIS for funding support for 2012.
The Wardaman Dreaming Project is preparing for our 8th year in the field with Yidumduma in late June. The costs to continue this work are considerable. We are seeking your support for this year. Please consider donating.
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LEARN MORE See Bill on National TV, on Wyoming Public TV and Paul and Bill in concert.
In deepest gratitude
Paul Taylor
Wardaman Dreaming Project, WDP.
PO Box 1427, Laramie WY 82073
Bill Harney and Paul Taylor Tour
Saturday, January 15, 2011, Laramie, WY Montessori Day
Friday, January 21, 2011 Phoenix, AZ, Musical Instrument Museum (tentative)
Saturday, January 22, 2011, Superior, AZ Boyce Thompson Arboretum
Wednesday, January 26 to Friday, January 28, 2011, Pinedale, WY Pinedale Arts Center
Monday, January 31, 2011, Rock Springs, WY University of Wyoming – IS Scholars Series, Western Wyoming College
Tuesday-Wednesday, February 1-2, 2011, Riverton, University of Wyoming – IS Scholars Series, Central Wyoming College
Thursday-Friday, February 3-4, 2011, Powell, WY University of Wyoming – IS Scholars Series, Northwest College
Sunday, February 6, 2011, Jackson, WY National Museum of Wildlife Art
Tuesday, February 8, 2011, Laramie, WY Cheyenne, WY University of Wyoming – IS Scholars Series, Laramie County Community College
Wednesday, February 09 and Thursday, February 10, 2011, Torrington, WY Eastern Wyoming College
Friday, February 11, 2011, University of Wyoming – IS Scholars Series, Laramie
Tuesday February 15, Casper, WY Casper College-IS Scholars Series
Wednesday February 16 through Thursday, February 17, 2011, Sheridan College, WY University of Wyoming – IS Scholars Series, Sheridan College
Friday, February 18 and Saturday, February 19, 2011, Buffalo, WY World’s of Music Series
Friday, February 25, 2011, Boulder, CO Fiske Planetarium, CU
Wednesday, March 2 to Sunday, March 6, 2011, San Francisco, CA Kalliopeia Foundation, Global Visions filming, Link TV.