Gujingga Songline

Yidumduma shares part of his Gujingga Songline as the Ancestors “zigzagged” through his country and naming everything as they travelled. The Songlines connected all the Wardaman clan estates. Bill’s clan Yubulyawan is one of many clan estates, Wurrgleni, Wujarr, Geliji, Muy Muy, Giliyn Giliyn, Wu-Nuajawung, Giwining…Flora, Mamundadgani, Jiggaigarn, Barnanggaya…Mt Gregory, Wurrulula, Beregumaya, Dilinya.

The Songlines moved through the lands of all the neighbouring tribes and then across the entire continent linking all Aboriginal groups together in song and ceremony. Yidumduma offers a unique contribution to this amazing and sophisticated mapping of the land.




song he was curing up and

he he started to make a move not to

travel make it in the big

was traving I kept

going on the sound of the boomerang was

coming you know from all different angle

that’s all the sound was coming in over

ni singing there a dance was coming in

all kangaroo people

that’s all dancing stamping dancing each

time they travel and and stop and look

around and name the place

we’ll be singing all these song for

about a

month you’ll be just in this big area

you’d be zigzagging and naming all the

different plants and soils and Earth and

trees and spring all sort from the sand

to gravel to everything you can name it

where bu it like The Bu it like this

white pigment under you know doesn’t get


off one big song line CH ja everywhere

oh we still got that song today the


by up