Bush School: Bulgu
Yidumduma’s Wardaman Law painting concerning the education of the children. The children from the four camps North, South, East, and West (4 figures one in each corner) are called to the Bush School (central figure) by the 2 Message Sticks (upper right figures) The Bush School is surrounded by the Ceremonial Hair Belt Waliwan. The Message Sticks show the songs used to call the kids (concentric circle figures). The Boomerang Clapsticks used for the songs are shown above the Bush School. The Education consists of the Boys and Girls Law which is stored in the Bones of the Ancestors (far right lower figure). The 3 principal song cycles Gujingga, Wangga, and Bandimi are shown in the far central right figure with 3 concentric circles. A major lesson for the children is the sharing of the water. This is symbolized by the Billabong figure (bottom left of Bush School)