Return to Living In The Spiritual
• Transcript
Phil C: Does that make sense Bill,
that we need to take the time and the patience to listen for,
is it a teaching in there, is it a spirit, an intelligence?
What’s trying to talk to us?
You know…you’re not really listening,
but the Spiritual come to you, to make you listen.
See…then…it put you on the place, what you can see,
what you can think, what you can dream.
Your family could pass away and your feeling will come inside,
because the Spiritual will tell you.
When you go to sleep every night, you’re to dream.
When you dream in the night, sure enough, it’s…your family passed away,
you know, did something, might be some sort of accident we call.
There’s a lot of things, he could drown in the water, roll the car over,
or fell off the cliff…and all that sort of thing.
The Spiritual will tell you, your family come.
But for us, we justify all that, with a shooting star or a falling star,
or the bird sound, or willie-wagtail sound.
That all those little birds and images, all let you know what that mean…for everything.
You hear another lots of birds, all bunched up, all making lot a sound.
We can say, “Oh, cold weather coming?” The bird let you know.
Or you can say, “Big rain’s a coming”.
And some others will tell, “How’d you know?”
Bird talking, you can hear him. Sure enough, you’ll see the big rain come.
You’re more inside of that Spiritual world in the big whirly-wind, see,
like the wind going around, around there, spinning around,
and that’s what’ll make you feel, and happening
and tell you the story at the same time…whenever you travel,
or sit or having a lunch or sleeping lunch hour.
We call it 40 winks.