Growing Up: Gornbun-ya Site

Yidumduma sharing memories of growing up here at Gornbunya Site, Whistling Kite Dreaming, in his beautiful Garnawala country, which contains many sacred rock art sites.



“This place called “Gornbunya“. Gornbunya Site, they call it, whitefella way.
Gornbun mean, now today, whistling kite, him go……
That’s that Gornbunya, you’ll see him ’round that site after.   
Now, first, in this country, I grew up here as a kid.
I learned a lot from the old people in my time, walkin’ around.
Some old people I was with, and my grandparents, never seen a white man before.
They didn’t want to be seen by the white man.
They lived here in the bush all their life, lived off the bush tucker.
They all put a lot of black stuff over my body as well, I been going black. We lived real traditional way in this part of the country.
Here is the real Wardaman Land.
The story that they used to tell me lots and lots, they used to tell me the story over and over.
All the creation story, what the creator was doing, and the song was coming in.
They taught me everything, right through in this country, right up ’til I grown up, I become a little stockman.
When we riding around, mustering the wild cattle, we would always come down and visit with the horse, gallop up here.
Few of us with all the young ones, used to gallop up, lookin’ at all the painting.
Great to see all the painting was very shiny.
When people was living here, in the early day, this was real clean, you know, no grass, anything growing.
Because people was camping here, all the time. 
That’s why it’s very clean.
(There was a) camp in the different art site (s), in this Gornbunya Site.
All the different name that they got on all these sites here, but overall name for this area called Garnawala.
It’s Garnawala Site.